Facing the breakup of a marriage is hard enough without having to go through the additional pain and stress of a traditional divorce in court.

Divorce dramatically affects the whole family, so why not make the process as easy on everyone as possible? Choose collaborative divorce and avoid the strain of litigation.

What happens in the collaborative process

Collaborative divorce is a private process that takes less time and involves less expense than litigation. You and your spouse will hire your own specially trained attorneys to guide you in working out a divorce settlement. The process is effective no matter the extent of your assets. Experts such as accountants, appraisers or child custody specialists can often assist. In addition to being easier on adults, studies show that collaborative divorce is much less stressful for children than a lengthy and frequently contentious courtroom process.

A look at basic benefits

As compared to a courtroom process where a judge makes the decisions, here is how collaboration helps you and your spouse control the outcome of your divorce:

  • Voluntary exchange of information
  • Agreement on legal procedures that will simplify the process and reduce expenses
  • Consent to a mutually satisfactory divorce settlement

A plan to reach your goals

With the breakup of your marriage, your world may seem as though it has suddenly turned upside down. Yet there is life after divorce for each of you, including your children, and you want to make the most of it. Through the collaborative process, you and your soon-to-be-ex can decide how you are going to handle post-divorce matters, especially any issues involving your children.

Learning how to communicate effectively will be a great help to you in the future. There can be a more peaceful, respectful way to end your marriage outside of the courtroom. In time, you are likely to be grateful for having chosen collaborative divorce over litigation.